CPA CFE Day 1 Quants Mastery

Includes 340+ pages of CPA Canada CFE Day 1 quants breakdowns and exercises to help you master Day 1 quants. This toolkit is designed to help you learn what quants tool to use and how to apply it under exam conditions. The exercises and walkthroughs are based on past CFE Day 1 exams. The package includes:

  • Walkthroughs (PDF): Step-by-step explanations of past CFE Day 1 exams covering 60+ quant AOs
  • Sample answers (Excel): 55+ sample excel answers to help you understand how to structure your quants

This product is ideal for candidates preparing for the CPA Canada CFE Day 1 or Days 1/2/3 exams. This is a single user license available for download as PDF and Excel files. The current version includes all CFE Day 1 exams from 2016 to 2023 May, including KTI v1 and CTI v2 .

(Note: This product is included with CFE Review Days 1/2/3 and Days 1 courses).
