CPA Canada CFE Day 1 Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) Mock Exam Case

The Capstone 1 Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) case will be tested in both September 2021 and 2022 Common Final Exams (CFEs) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case was made available to candidates enrolled in Capstone 1 and it will be released publicly be CPA Canada at a later date.

How do I prepare for WDI case for the CFE Day 1?

On CFE Day 1, you will be presented with the same WDI case and you will be required to analyze and answer new strategic and operational issues.

Follow these strategies:

  • Step 1: Study the Capstone 1 original case well: It’s important that you know the Capstone 1 case inside-out. You will encounter the same users and similar industry challenges. I suggest making notes of the following key situational analysis factors:
    • Users
    • Mission, vision and values
    • Key success factors (KSF)
    • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
    • Board objectives
    • Quantitative analysis
  • Step 2: Know the Capstone 1 strategic issues: WDI is facing 4 major strategic issues and several minor issues. In the May 2021 CFE, 4 new strategic issues were presented and it is likely that you will see again 4 strategic issues in your exam.
  • Step 3: Make note of the timeline: The CFE Day 1 case is several years in the future and there are new issues to analyze. It helps to stay organized by creating a timeline of events as you are reading the case.
  • Step 4: Understand key stakeholder preferences: The WDI case has several users who have opposing views. For example, Laura is not interested in selling her shares and would like to buy Kingsley out. Kinglsey on the other hand wants to increase WDI’s profits as quickly as possible and sell the company by 2025. It’s important that you understand  these user preferences as these will repeat in the CFE Day 1.

Whether you are in Capstone 1, Capstone 2 or you are an intentionally trained accountant (ITA) challenging the CFE under MOU, I strongly recommend practicing with supplemental mock exam cases. In Capstone 2, you will get 3 practice versions of the WDI case. However, most writers find that this is not enough and feel unprepared.

Where can I get a WDI mock exam cases?

I provide one (1) original Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) supplemental mock exam practice case to help you better prepare for the CFE Day 1. The mock exam case is a realistic simulation of what you may get on your exam and covers typical AOs that you may find in your Day 1. The value package includes the WDI mock exam case, marking guide and the solution.

Head over to the cases section of my website for a free preview. If you have any questions  or need additional help, I’m here for support.

Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) Mock CFE Day 1 Exam Practice Case and Solution

Preview and purchase the supplemental CFE Day 1 WDI mock exam case to improve your case writing skills and take on the Day 1 exam.