How to Add 3 Examples in PERT 5,000 Characters for Level 2
Passing the CPA Canada PER (Practical Experience Reporting) process can feel a bit tricky, especially if you’re on the EVR (Experience Verification Route). You might find yourself submitting reports, ...
Simply Explained: Audit vs Review vs Compilation
CPA Canada exams often include Assurance assessment opportunities (AOs) that test your knowledge of different reports used in assurance and related engagements. Though there are several special report...
How Should I Study FR & MA for CPA Canada Exams?
As you’re preparing for your CPA Canada exams, including the CFE, you may feel that CPA modules are very fast-paced. How do you build technical review into your already packed study schedule? Th...
September 2024 CFE Results: Understanding Your Transcript
Results day is here and I hope that you achieve the success you’ve worked so hard for. If you didn’t pass the CFE, in this article I’ll help to interpret your transcript and help you under...
September 2024 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Similar to prior CPA Canada Common Final Exams (CFEs), the September 2024 CFE had two Day 1, one Day 2 and three Day 3 cases.
The following Day 1 cases were tested:
Amuzu Parks Inc. (API) V1 (Dow...
Catching up on CPA PERT Reports
If you find yourself behind on your CPA Canada Professional Experience Requirements (PER), don’t panic! While the pressure can be overwhelming, there are effective strategies you can use to get back o...
How To Study for CPA Canada Core 1
Preparing for Core 1 of the CPA Canada PEP program can be challenging. With the right study strategies, you can make your progress easier and more effective. By using a mix of study techniques, practi...
How to Write Assumptions in CPA Canada Cases
Writing assumptions is important for getting full marks in CPA Canada cases, specifically in the quantitative (quant) type of AOs. In this guide, you’ll learn how to write assumptions the correc...
How to Reference ASPE and IFRS Standards in CPA Cases
Solving CPA Canada cases can be confusing. In some assessment opportunities (AOs), you provide an answer based on logic and case facts, such as sources of financing, management accounting questions, ...
Understanding Warranty Treatment: IFRS vs ASPE
Warranties are a commonly tested topic in Financial Reporting (FR). Similar to other standards, they have definition, recognition, measurement, and disclosure rules. As you learn the complexities of A...
Is It Worth Ordering a Late CPA PAR Report?
If you find yourself wondering whether to order a Performance Analysis Report (PAR) after you receive your Common Final Exam (CFE) results – particularly if it arrives late – the answer de...
Preparing for CFE: What Topics to Study
As you prepare for the CPA Canada CFE, knowing your role subject is very important. A question that a lot of CFE writers have is this: Should you review in-depth topics outside of your role too? For ...
May 2024 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Similar to prior CPA Canada Common Final Exams (CFEs), the May 2024 CFE had two Day 1, one Day 2 and three Day 3 cases.
The following Day 1 cases were tested:
Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. (NPF) V1...
Equivalent Units: FIFO and Weighted-Average Approach (Simple Example)
In CPA Canada’s CFE, Core 2 and PM exams, you can expect to see complex management accounting (MA) topics tested. One example of such topic is equivalent units. Understanding how to calculate eq...
PER Experience Pre-Assessment: Can You Write More Examples?
As you’re working toward your CPA Canada designation, the CPA Canada Practical Experience Requirements (PER) can seem daunting. One common question I get is: “Can I submit experience repor...
Navigating Unfamiliar AOs: Tips for CFE
Successfully completing the CPA Canada Common Final Exam (CFE) requires lots of preparation and adaptability. Although your studying will cover a range of technical topics, coming across new AOs durin...
CFE Day 1: Do This When Discount Rate is Not Given
Day 1 on the CPA Canada CFE exam is focused on testing your understanding of strategic analysis and applying this technical knowledge on a single case. This case is based on Capstone 1, set a few year...
What’s the Difference Between PSAB and ASNPO?
As you’re studying for CPA Canada CFE and PEP exams, outside of the commonly tested ASPE and IFRS topics, it’s also important to know the Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS) and the Accoun...
New 2027 CPA Canada Certification Program
The much-anticipated CPA Canada New Certification program (NCP), initially slated for 2025, has now been pushed back to 2027. This delay is significant, not just for its impact on timelines, but al...
Using the Income Tax Act (ITA) for CPA Canada Exams
Tackling the Tax AOs is a daunting task due to the volume of technicals. Studying the Income Tax Act (ITA) can be tough because it’s dense and complex, with lots of divisions, sub-divisions, sec...
Should You Study CAS for CPA Canada Exams?
While you may be familiar with using the CPA Canada Handbook for Financial Reporting issues, Assurance has its own set of standards to refer to, known as the Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS). But do ...
How to Mark Your Own CPA Canada Cases
A big part of getting ready for CPA Canada exams is reviewing your practice case attempts and checking how well you did. Even if your cases are marked by CPA Canada, CFE National Marking Centre, or so...
How to Create a Study Plan for CPA Canada CFE
As you’re gearing up for your CFE exam in the CPA Canada’s education program, it’s important to plan what you’re going to study and when, so that you’re on track and effi...
CPA Canada 2023 Pass Rates Released
CPA Canada has now released the 2023 PEP and CFE exam pass rates. The 2024 pass rates will be released in February 2025.
2023 CFE Pass Rates
Below are the official exam pass rates as reported by CPA...
Do You Need to Write Issue Statement in CPA Canada CFE Day?
When studying for the CPA Canada CFE, many candidates find time constraint to be one of the most challenging aspects of passing the exam. One way to save time is to skip the unnecessary parts of the &...
Marking Guide of CPA Canada CFE Day 1
When preparing to write and pass Day 1 of CPA Canada CFE, you’ll encounter many questions on the exam format. One of the most common questions I receive from my students is how many competent (“C”) gr...
CPA PERT: Here’s MA2 Template and Example
If you have experience working with budgets or forecasts, you should target MA2 in your CPA Canada PERT reporting. It’s an area that anyone exposed to budgets or forecasts can get at least Level...
Case Writing Tips for Performance Management Elective in Canadian CPA
Pass the Performance Management (PM) elective in the CPA Canada PEP program can be challenging. Candidates often face dilemmas regarding the best strategies for tackling cases effectively. Below are s...
From CIMA to Canadian CPA: What You Need to Know
Members of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) can now apply to become a Canadian CPA under the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) issued by CPA Canada. Your only obstacle is t...
Full Guide to CPD Hours for Canadian CPAs
As a designated CPA in Canada, you’re probably aware of the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements necessary to maintain your membership. In this post, I’ll guide you throu...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 Amuzu Parks Inc. (API) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 Amuzu Parks Inc. (API) case will be tested in September 2024 Common Final Exams (CFE) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case will be made available to candidates enrolled in Capstone 1 ...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. (NPF) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. (NPF) case will be tested in May 2024 Common Final Exams (CFE) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case will be made available to candidates enrolled in Capst...
September 2023 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Similar to prior CPA Canada Common Final Exams (CFEs), the September 2023 CFE had two Day 1, one Day 2 and three Day 3 cases.
The following Day 1 cases were tested:
J.R. Pets Inc. (JRP) v1 (Downl...
CPA Study Guide: Core 1 Module Unit 1
In this article, you will learn Unit 1 of the CPA Canada’s Core 1 module. If you’re new to Core 1, I recommend reading the CPA Core 1 Module guide for introduction on the module and bluepr...
Review of CPA Canada Finance Elective
I’ll guide you through the key aspects of CPA Canada’s Finance elective module, including its structure, assignments, range of topics, examination, and study tips to help you pass.
Walkthrough of CPA Canada Performance Management (PM) Elective
Let’s look at CPA Canada’s Performance Management (PM) elective module. In this post, you’ll learn about the module’s: format, assignments, topics, exams, how it’s assessed, and study tips to help you...
Study Guide to CPA Canada Taxation Elective
CPA Canada’s Competency Map has over 90 high-level topics that can be tested on the Tax elective exam, compared with 75 in Finance, 47 in PM, and 25 in Audit. This is why students say that CPA C...
May 2023 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Similar to prior Common Final Exams (CFEs), the May 2023 CFE had Day 1, 2 and 3 cases.
The following Day 1 cases were tested:
Kingsdale Tea Inc. (KTI) v1 (Download)
Creative Toys Inc. (CTI) v2 (...
CPA Ontario and CPA Quebec to Separate from CPA Canada
Update June 22, 2023: CPA Ontario published FAQ to answer some of the common questions. Summary of FAQ:
Why is this happening?
– Collaboration Accord signed in 2016.
– Process under review...
Complete Guide to CPA Canada Assurance Module
Let’s take a look at CPA Canada’s Assurance elective module. In this post, you’ll learn about the module’s: format, assignments, topics, exams, how it’s assessed, and stu...
CFE Day 3 Strategy: Write Your Role at the End and Passing Profile
CPA Canada’s CFE Days 2 and 3 has a 4-level evaluation approach called the passing profile. Here’s an overview and some strategies to help you navigate this process, including why your rol...
CFE Day 1 Exam: Understanding the Big Picture Issues
Addressing the big picture issues is crucial in CPA Canada’s CFE Day 1 exam. It’s often misunderstood by students and taught incorrectly by educators, but it’s necessary to correctly...
IFRS 15: How to Integrate App B in CPA Canada Exams
Let’s say you are faced with IFRS 15 revenue recognition question on the CPA Canada PEP exam or CFE, and it involves discussing Appendix B. How do you go about integrating it into the IFRS 15...
Should You Remark (Appeal) CPA Core 1 and Core 2 Exam?
CPA Canada allows candidates to attempt the PEP Core 1 and Core 2 modules three times. At each unsuccessful attempt, candidates can ask for re-marking (appeal). This is done for a fee, and only within...
CFE Day 1 Dilemma: V1 or V2 Case?
In the CPA Canada Common Final Examination (CFE) Day 1, there are two versions of cases offered. The first version (V1) is the new case released in the new Capstone 1, while the second version (V2) is...
How Many AOs Can you Miss in CFE Days 2/3?
Let’s face it, time management is one of the biggest challenges when to comes to passing CPA Canada’s CFE. Inevitably, you may be wondering whether you can “skip” some AOs and...
Which ASPE and IFRS Standards Are the Same?
As you’re preparing for CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams, you may be wondering about variances between Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) and International Financial Reporting Stand...
Do You Need to Discuss Both Quant and Qual?
A frequent obstacle for students preparing for CPA Canada’s PEP and CFE exams is whether is an AO needs need to be discussed both quantitatively (quant) and qualitatively (qual), or just quantit...
Do You Need to Discuss IFRS 15 Step 1 in Depth?
The CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams are designed to assess your in-depth understanding of various financial reporting standards, including IFRS 15: Revenue from contracts.
Common challenge for candidate...
CPA Canada Core 2: Your Complete Guide
In this article, we’ll dive deep into CPA Canada’s Core 2 module. We’ll cover all major aspects: format, assignments, topics, exams, how it’s assessed, and of course, study tip...
Ultimate Guide for CPA Canada Core 1
In this article, I will provide information about the CPA Canada’s Core 1 module, outlining the basics, format, assignments, assessment, examination, and tips for successfully passing the module...
CFE Pre-Loaded Tables: Exam Strategies
In a recent update, CPA Canada announced a change to the May 2023 Common Final Examination (CFE).
Starting from May 2023 CFE, all tables on the CFE that contain 10 or more lines of financial informat...
CPA PERT: Can you Claim Part-Time and Multiple Jobs?
As a CPA Canada student, understanding the practical experience requirements (PER) is crucial for your journey towards becoming a CPA.
Two common questions I get from students is whether they can rep...
CFE Day 1: Why Capstone 2 is Not Reliable
As you’re progressing through the CPA Canada’s PEP program, you will eventually enroll into Capstone 2 module.
Capstone 2 module is designed to help you prepare for the Common Final Examin...
CFE Day 1: Can You Write Qual Before Quant?
For each strategic issue in Day 1 of the CFE, candidates will be marked on a qualitative (qual) and quantitative (quant) component. In this article, I’ll discuss if this should be done in a specific o...
How to Access CPA Canada Handbook
During CPA Canada’s PEP and CFE exams, you’ll be using a lockdown software called SurPass. This program gives you access to the CPA Canada Handbook, which you can use to answer Financial R...
CFE Day 1: How to Approach, Outline and Solve
CPA Canada’s CFE Day 1 is 4 hours long. It contains usually 4 strategic issues, 2 operational issues, and 1 or 2 big picture issues.
Before heading into the exam center, it’s a good idea ...
CFE Day 1: How to Format Strategic Issues with Multiple Options
In CPA Canada CFE Day 1, it is typical to have 4 to 5 strategic issues. In some cases, there could be a strategic issue that have multiple options within it. For example, the issue may require you to ...
CPA Canada 2022 Pass Rates Released
Update: CPA Canada 2023 pass rates are now available, you can find it at this updated post.
CPA Canada has now released the 2022 PEP and CFE exam pass rates. The 2023 pass rates will be released in F...
How to Get CPA Canada Capstone 2 Review Materials?
If you’re a student re-writing the Day 1 exam, you have taken Capstone 2 long time ago, or you’re an internationally trained accountant who opted not to take Capstone 2, then you will be ...
How to Learn Financial Reporting For CPA Canada Exams
Financial Reporting (FR) can be a challenging subject to grasp, and many CPA candidates find it difficult to identify the relevant CPA Canada Handbook section and paragraphs in their exam cases. This ...
End of CFEs and PERT from 2025
Update May 2024: CFEs to continue to 2027
Please see this NEW BLOG POST on the update that the CPA Canada New Certification Program is expected to be released in 2027.
Original post: CPA Canada New Ce...
How to Integrate and How CFE Day 1 is Marked
Prior to answering the strategic and operational issues on CFE Day 1, you are required to complete a Situational Analysis (SA). This will include assessing the company’s current mission / vision / val...
Do You Need to Write the CAS Standard in CPA Canada Exams and CFE?
Are you preparing for the assurance portion of the CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams and wondering whether you need to write “According to CAS” when answering audit AOs? The answer is, it depen...
Should You Write Old UFE Cases for CFE?
Are you planning to take the CFE exam? If yes, then you might be wondering whether you should write the old UFE cases that you’ll gain access to once you start Capstone 2. If you’re not fa...
CFE Day 1: SWOT Analysis in Day 1 vs Capstone 1
Like Capstone 1, in CFE Day 1 you’ll be required to assess and provide recommendations on several strategic issues and operational issues. You will be expected to prepare a Situational Analysis ...
How to Access the New CPA Canada Learning EBooks
Update 2024: The Ebooks have been moved to the VitalSource online platform. To access the EBooks, follow the new steps below.
1. Click on Technical Review
Access D2L and click on Technical Review (top...
CFE Day 2: 10 Tips to Stay Focused for 5 Hours of CPA Exam
Both writing and preparing for Day 2 of the CFE can be an overwhelming and exhausting task given the 5-hour exam time. Since it’s longer than the other CFE Days, most students find it hard to ma...
CFE Day 2: Proven Study Tips to Help You Pass the Exam
Day 2 of the CPA Canada’s CFE is the one most candidates find daunting due to its length and depth requirements. This study guide will break down the CFE Day 2 exam into key components to help y...
What Happens if You Fail Core 1 of CPA Canada 3 Times?
CPA Canada allows candidates to attempt the Core 1 three times. At each unsuccessful attempt, candidates can ask for re-marking. After 3 unsuccessful attempts and unsuccessful remarkings, candidates w...
How to Become Canadian CPA For International Accountants
Transitioning from international accounting bodies to the Canadian CPA designation can be an overwhelming process due to complex eligibility requirements. This post will provide guidance on how to app...
How to Download CPA Canada PEP Program Syllabus
The CPA Canada Profession Education Program (PEP) Syllabus (formerly Survival Guides) provide a summary of readings every week for each PEP module. The readings are divided into 8 study units which ma...
Should You Explain the CFE Day 1 Situational Analysis Framework?
CPA Canada’s Day 1 CFE requires a very different approach than the remaining two CFE days. The layout of the case is based on your Capstone 1 case, with little technical criteria application. Be...
Why You Should Take PM Elective After Core 2
After you’ve passed both Core 1 and Core 2, you’ll be at the point in your CPA Canada PEP journey where you have to choose your first elective. There is no right or wrong on which elective to ta...
How to Solve DAIS in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams
With increased focus on big data and emerging technologies in our day-to-day lives and professional careers, CPA Canada has placed more focus on Information Technology (IT) and Data Analytics and Info...
Do You Need to Memorize Capstone 1 Case for CFE Day 1?
In preparing for Day 1 of the CPA Canada CFE, it’s important to understand that Day 1 is a continuation of the Capstone 1 case. Similar to Capstone 1, Day 1 will test your ability to problem solve, ma...
FR Competencies for CPA Canada’s Core 1
Core 1 covers Financial Reporting (FR), Assurance, Tax and Finance competency areas. I’ve written about Assurance, Tax and Finance common topics in other posts, I’ll cover the FR topics he...
Assurance Competencies for CPA Canada’s Core 1
Before starting Core 1, it’s useful to review topics that are going to be taught and tested in this CPA module.
Core 1 covers Financial Reporting (FR), Assurance, Tax and Finance competency are...
Failed CPA CFE 3 Times? You Still Have Options
CPA Canada allows candidates to attempt the CFE three times. At each unsuccessful attempt, candidates can appeal and ask for re-marking. After three unsuccessful attempts and remarkings, candidates wi...
CPA Case Writing: Electronic vs Paper Outline for PEP and CFE
When writing CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams, planning your approach and AO times in an outline is a key component of passing. With the option to do the outline on paper vs. computer, many candidates que...
Can You Leave Your Outline in CPA Canada Cases?
When preparing electronic outlines for CPA Canada PEP and CFE cases, many writers question whether this can be left in their memo or should it be deleted before submission.
The answer is YES, you can ...
What Can be Tested in CPA Canada CFE Day 2?
Day 2 of the CFE is considered by many to be the hardest of all CFE days. You have to ensure that you achieve depth (ie, score C/CD) in as many AOs as possible. This article will help you find the key...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 J.R. Pets (JRP) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 J.R. Pets Inc. (JRP) case will be tested in September 2023 and September 2024 Common Final Exams (CFEs) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case will be made available to candidates enrol...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 Kingsdale Tea (KTI) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 Kingsdale Tea Inc (KTI) case will be tested in May 2023 and May 2024 Common Final Exams (CFEs) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case will be made available to candidates enrolled in Ca...
September 2022 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Similar to prior Common Final Exams (CFEs), the September 2022 CFE had Day 1, 2 and 3 cases.
The following Day 1 cases were tested:
CanDo Fitness Ltd. (CFL) v1 (Download)
Waste Disposal Inc. (WD...
Should You Write New CPA cases or Rewrite Prior Ones?
When studying for the CFE and PEP exams, writing cases is critical for success. Since you have limited amount of time to study, you may be wondering, should you write brand new cases or re-write prior...
Ultimate Guide to CFE of CPA Canada
The Common Final Exam, or the CFE, is the last exam of the CPA Canada’s PEP program.
CFE is made up of 3 days of continuous examination: Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3.
Day 1 is 4...
CPA Canada Capstone 2 Study Guide
You’ve successfully completed Capstone 1 and have one final module before you can arrive at the CFE. You’re almost there! Below is a guide to ensure you are well prepared for this next 8-week course.
CPA Canada Capstone 1 Study Guide
If you’re preparing for Capstone 1, you’ve successfully completed all your module exams and are one step closer to writing and completing the CFE. This article will help prepare you for what to expect...
5 Study Tips for CPA Canada Finance Module
Candidates often select the Finance module due to their financial professional background. However, Finance has many similarities to Core 2 and prepares well for Day 1 of the CFE. Below are some helpf...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 CanDo Fitness (CFL) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 CanDo Fitness (CFL) case will be tested in September 2022 and 2023 Common Final Exams (CFEs) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case was made available to candidates enrolled in Capstone...
What is Decile Ranking in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Results?
In this post, I’ll discuss what is decile ranking, in both CPA Canada PEP and CFE results.
What is Decile Ranking?
Decile ranking is a statistical measure that tells writers who failed how clo...
5 Study Tips for CPA Canada Performance Management (PM) Module
If you’ve made it to the elective modules, you’ve been successful at Core 1 and Core 2, congrats! While some candidates find the Performance Management (PM) module to be overwhelming with both qual an...
CPA PEP Results | Where To Find Results & Next Steps if You Failed
CPA Canada releases PEP (Core 1, Core 2, electives) results after every semester, usually 2 weeks after the exam is complete, at 12pm EST. Find out if you passed using the link below:
CPA Canada PE...
What Does Gevorg Mean?
Gevorg, also known as Georgios in Ancient Greek, is a first name. It’s an Armenian form of the name George. Gevorg is a masculine first name derived from two Greek words: geo (earth) + ergon (wo...
Solving Government Grant AOs (IAS 20) In CPA Canada PEP And CFE Exams
The following article will go over the key concepts for obtaining competent (C) grade in government grant AOs in CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams under IFRS.
In Part 2 (to be posted later), we will look ...
Which Role to Choose for CPA Canada CFE?
In Part 1 of this two-part series, I discussed which elective to take as part of your CPA Canada PEP program. In here, I’ll speak about which role to take for CFE Day 2.
Understand the CFE
The C...
Choosing Your Elective for CPA Canada PEP
If you’re at the point where you must choose on which elective to take as part of your CPA PEP, this means you have successfully completed Core 1 and 2. Congrats!
With no clear guideline on which ele...
May 2022 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Update: Please see this post for September 2022 CFE exam cases download: September 2022 CFE download
Similar to prior Common Final Exams (CFEs), the May 2022 CFE had Day 1, 2 and 3 cases.
The follo...
Solving Special Reports in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams [FULL GUIDE]
Special Reports are types of practitioner reports that are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). These reports elaborate and describe more information on accounts o...
May 2022 CFE Results Countdown
The following is a countdown to the May 2022 CFE results day, scheduled for August 12, 2022, at 7am PST.
Update: Results are now released:
Three Days of CFE: Do’s and Don’ts Between Exam Days
A few more weeks to go before the D-Day. I am sure there are pangs of nervousness, anxiety, excitement (that you can then enjoy free time), basically all the mixed emotions that are brewing. Completel...
Tax AOs Salary vs. Dividends vs Bonus in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams
The structure of Canadian taxes is meant to charge the same level of income tax regardless of if it is earned through a salary or dividend on the individual and corporation level. This is known as int...
Valuation Methods in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams
Valuation AOs come up on CPA Canada module exams all the time, starting with Core 1 and all the way to the CFE. Here’s a summary of the common valuation methods with examples.
Understanding Provisions and Contingent Liabilities in CPA Canada Cases (IAS 37 and ASPE 3290)
As you go through CPA Canada PEP and CFE technical review, you may notice the terms “provision” and “contingent liability”, specifically in your IFRS review (ASPE does not use the term provision).
Masters in Accounting: An Alternative (And Quicker) Pathway to Canadian CPA [Part 1]
We all know that the CPA Canada Professional Education Program (CPA PEP) is a long, rigorous, and often taxing journey (pardon the pun). PEP often takes anywhere from 1.5 to 2 years to complete, with ...
Should You Take CPA Canada Capstone 1 and 2?
If you are an Internationally Trained Accountant (ITA) and the accounting body you are associated with has an MOU/MRA in place which gives you an exemption from Capstone 1 and 2, you may be wondering ...
MA Technicals: Cost-Volume-Profitability (CVP) | CPA Canada
CVP analysis helps to determine the impact of cost and volume on profit
Used for many purposes:
Analysis of impact of cost/volume on profit
Calculating breakeven point (BEP), in terms of ...
Gevorg, CPA Exam Coaching Student Reviews & Testimonials
On the CPA Canada PEP and CFE exam results days, there is no better sound than hearing my students say: “I passed!”. Thanks to all my students for your continued support and congra...
Gevorg, CPA For International Accountants (MOU/MRA) | Student Review & Testimonial
Shraddha is an international accountant who started her CPA Canada journey during the pandemic. She found the CPA Canada modules and exams different from her past experiences, resulting in a few unsuc...
How To Become a CPA In Canada In 4 Steps
The process of getting the Canadian CPA can be an overwhelming journey. With multiple pathways to consider and exams to navigate, it’s often difficult to know where exactly to start. Below information...
Masters in Accounting: An Alternative (And Quicker) Pathway to Canadian CPA [Part 2]
In Part 1 of my PEP vs MAcc blog series, I discussed Masters in Accounting (MAcc) and how it can benefit CPA Canada candidates.
Here in Part 2, I will compare obtaining the CPA Canada designation thr...
CPA Canada PREP vs PEP: What You Need to Know
As you transition from CPA Canada preparation courses (PREP) to the professional education program (PEP), you may wonder what are some of the differences and what can be expected as you embark on the ...
Passing CPA Canada CFE for International Indian Accountants
When I got my Indian CA degree – being one of the toughest exams – it made me feel so proud and led me to believe that I could conquer it all. I was so happy to know that ICAI has an MOU with CPA Cana...
5 Smart Tips for Studying CPA While Working
For most CPA Canada students, the greatest challenge with the exams is finding the time to study. Between full time jobs, family commitments and other priorities, most of your spare available time is ...
CPA Canada 2021 Pass Rates Released
Update: 2022 pass rates are now released. Please see the updated post here.
CPA Canada has now released the 2021 PEP and CFE pass rates.
2021 CFE Pass Rates
Below are the official pass rates as rep...
It’s the Busy Season, How to Balance CPA CFE Studies with Work
Sticking to CPA studies during the busy season is tough. If you work in public practice, whether Big 4, mid-size or smaller firms, you know the audit and tax seasons are grueling. In the industry, the...
How To Write An Effective Audit Planning Memo In CPA Canada Cases
If you have selected Assurance as an elective in your CPA Canada PEP, or it’s your role for the CFE, writing an effective audit planning memo will be the key to achieving multiple competent grades. Le...
5 Tips to Write CPA Canada Cases Faster for PEP and CFE
For many CPA candidates, sticking to the allotted case time is one of the major challenges in case writing. Being able to dedicate your time to the conditions being marked will be critical in achievin...
Is a CPA Study Partner Right For You?
While many of us have studied independently throughout our education career, studying for CPA Canada PEP and CFE exams offers a unique opportunity to stay disciplined during the exam process. The foll...
September 2021 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Update: Please see these updated posts for May and September 2022 CFE exam cases download:
May 2022 CFE download
September 2022 CFE download
Similar to prior Common Final Exams (CFEs), the Sep...
4 Tips for Planning Your CPA Canada Goals for 2022
With the start of the new year, it’s the perfect time to make a clean slate and start thinking about what you want to accomplish in your CPA studies during 2022. Setting the standard as easily as poss...
Solving ASPE Loyalty Program AOs in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Cases
One of the key skills to assessing a financial reporting AO within a CPA Canada exam is understanding the differences between financial frameworks. We dove into depth of applying IFRS 15 to Loyalty Pr...
Solving IFRS 15 Loyalty Program AOs in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Cases
The core concept of IFRS 15 is the timing of revenue recognition, which is dependent on the timing of promises to be fulfilled by the entity. IFRS 15 provides significant guidance that can be applied ...
CPA Canada CFE September 2021 Results
Big congrats to GevorgCPA students who passed!!
For additional support on what to do next if unsuccessful, please refer to the blog post:
How to Debrief a CPA Canada Case
As you continue on your journey towards your CPA designation, being able to debrief and achieve competency efficiency becomes increasingly important. In fact, debriefing will likely become your main s...
FolioViews on CFE – Tips and Tricks for CPA Canada Candidates
With the transition to writing the CPA Canada Common Final Exam (CFE) in hotel rooms, a software called FolioViews has been implemented by CPA Canada to replace Knotia as reference during the exam. Yo...
How to Account for Future Income Tax (DTA/DTL) IAS 12 in CPA Canada PEP and CFE
CPA Canada Knotia eBook explains income tax accounting in Chapter 23. However, student struggle understanding the steps in calculating and journalizing the deferred tax asset (DTA) and deferred tax li...
Your Support Options with CPA Canada PEP and CFE
CPA Canada exams are grueling and require hours of dedicated study and practice. At some point, you may feel that you need supplemental support. Here are your options.
Option #1: One-on-one CPA tutor
How to Download Survival Guides for CPA Canada PEP Modules
Update: The Survival Guides have been replaced by PEP Syllabus. Please see this updated post.
The CPA Canada Survival Guides are an excellent resource to keep track of eBook readings, assignments, de...
5 Reasons Why Candidates Fail CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams
When it comes to the CPA Canada PEP exams and Common Final Exam (CFE), there are specific reasons why some candidates struggle to pass. For some, it’s not knowing how to study for the exam. For ...
What’s different about Gevorg, CPA CFE coaching program?
I offer a personalized CFE coaching program based on Honour Roll strategies. My candidates achieve overall 90%+ pass rate on the CFE. Here is a quick comparison:
Gevorg, CPA CFE course
Unsuccessful Results for September 2024 CFE: What to Do Next
The September 2024 Common Final Exam (CFE) results were released on Friday, December 6, 2024. To check your CFE results, access the National Certification Centre website: https://www.certificationente...
Here’s a List of All Special Reports for CPA Canada PEP and CFE Exams
Special engagements or special reports are a common AO in the CPA Canada PEP exams and the Common Final Exam (CFE). Candidates are familiar with some of them, such as Attestation engagements to report...
How to Write Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in CFE Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 Cases of CPA Canada
In this article, I’ll discuss how to approach quantitative (quant) and qualitative (qual) analysis per each of the CPA Canada Common Final Exam (CFE) Days:
CFE Day 1
You’ll face Strategic...
Tough AOs! How to Handle Complex Topics in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Cases
A best practice with writing CPA Canada PEP and CFE practice cases is to put a timer and practice under the exam setting. In doing so, you develop time management skills and improve your case writing....
Writing CPA Canada Practical Experience Requirements (PERT) – Technicals
I often receive a question from a CPA candidate in the EVR route on how to write the technical section of the PERT.
Here are general guidelines:
Write experience for Financial Reporting (FR), Manage...
How to Write Control Weaknesses (WIR) in CPA Canada PEP and CFE Cases
Control weaknesses are a common assessment opportunity (AO) in CPA Canada’s PEP program, starting from Core 1 and leading all the way up to the Common Final Exam (CFE). It is something you shoul...
7 Tips on How to Write CPA Canada Practical Experience Requirements (PER) Experience Reports
If you have done some reading on the practical experience requirements (PER), or you’ve submitted a PER, you would have found that the process is a nightmare. There is very few documentation, yo...
Tax Competencies for CPA Canada’s Core 1
One of the most frequently asked questions I get as a CPA Exam Coach is what types of Finance and Tax topics can be tested in Core 1.
I’ve covered Financial Reporting (FR), Assurance and Finance...
Write September 2025 CFE if you Don’t Pass May 2025 CFE
Candidates who wrote the CPA Canada May 2025 CFE (Common Final Exam) are wondering if they can re-write the exam at the next offering in September, should they be unsuccessful.
Yes, you can write in...
CPA Canada CFE Day 1 Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) Mock Exam Case
The Capstone 1 Waste Disposal Inc. (WDI) case will be tested in both September 2021 and 2022 Common Final Exams (CFEs) on Day 1. The original Capstone 1 case was made available to candidates enrolled ...
We’re Hiring CPA Canada Tutors and Mentors
Are you a professional accountant with a CPA designation looking to help university students get through their accounting courses or candidates in CPA Canada’s PREP/PEP programs get through thei...
Full List of Finance Competencies in CPA Canada PEP
I’ve written about Financial Reporting (FR), Assurance, and Tax common topics in CPA Core 1 module in other posts. In this post, I’ll cover the common Finance topics.
Unless your backgroun...
Do You Need Technical Summaries for CPA Canada’s Core 1?
CPA candidates often ask me whether they need technical summary review notes for Core 1.
Technicals are a big part of Core 1. You will be tested on Financial Reporting, Assurance, Tax and Finance iss...
CPA Canada PEP and CFE WhatsApp Study Groups
This content is password protected. To view it, please answer the security question. What is CPA Canada’s first PEP module called (one word)?
Answer (in lower case letters):
What to Do Now that CPA Canada Cancels the May 2021 CFE (Ontario and Quebec)
For the first time, the CPA Canada Common Final Exam (CFE) will be held regionally. CPA Canada announced today that the May 2021 CFE will be cancelled in CPA Ontario and Quebec, but will proceed as pl...
How to Analyze Betterment Under IFRS for CPA Canada Exam Cases (IAS 16 and ASPE 3061)
Whether you are at CPA PEP Core 1, the electives, or the CFE, you have likely seen the “betterment” Financial Reporting (FR) issue. Betterment is covered under the CPA Canada Handbook and,...
CPA Canada 2020 Pass Rates Released
Update: 2022 pass rates are now released. Please see the updated post here.
CPA Canada has now released the 2020 PEP and CFE pass rates. This was the first year when PEP exams where written at home a...
Try These 5 Tips for the Assurance CPA PEP Module
About 75% of all CPA Common Final Exam (CFE) writers choose Assurance as their role. The reason is that it’s one of the “easier” roles to achieve depth in.
But don’t let this ...
Should You Take Tax or Assurance CPA PEP Module First?
The Tax and Assurance electives are the “bread and butter” of accounting. If you want to work in public practice (or if you already work in public practice), you should take those two elec...
5 Things You Need to Know for the CPA PEP Tax Exam
The PEP Tax module is arguably the toughest. You have to be prepared for quants, and I mean a lot of quants.
Below are my top 5 tips for Tax candidates:
1. Know the Blueprint
The CPA Canada’...
CFE Results | Where To Find Results & Next Steps if You Failed
CPA Canada releases Common Final Exam (CFE) results in late-November or early December (for September CFEs) and August (for May CFEs). Find out if you passed using the links below:
CPA Western Scho...
You Can Now Write More CPA Core 2 Practice Cases and MCQs
Congrats! You made it to Core 2. Unlike Core 1, you have a higher statistical chance of passing, there are less topics to learn and you have an exam writing experience under your belt. That’s no...
Here are September 2020 CPA CFE Cases for Download
Update: Please see the new blog posts with September 2021, May 2022 and September 2022 exam case download links:
September 2021 CFE download
May 2022 CFE download
September 2022 CFE download
May 2021 CPA CFE Cases and Answers (Download)
Update: You can download the May 2022 CFE cases here. September 2022 cases are here.
Similar to prior Common Final Exams (CFEs), the May 2021 CFE had Day 1, 2 and 3 cases. The following Day 1 cases w...
Here Are More CPA Core 1 Practice Cases, MCQs and Solutions
It’s no secret that Core 1 is one of the most challenging modules in the CPA Canada’s PEP program. In fact, it has the highest failure rate among all modules. The main reasons are:
Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA interview with CBC News Toronto
I had a chat with CBC News about this year’s CPA exam hotel room format and the level of difficulty. Full article below:
5 Free CPA Exam Resources
Majority of candidates writing the CPA exams look for supplemental resources. The materials provided by CPA Canada are abundant, but understanding the tough technicals and building a solid exam strate...
How To Become a CPA in Canada
Please see the updated blog post here:
CPA Canada CFE Review – CFE Sep 2020 Days 1, 2 and 3 course now available
Dear Candidates,
I would like to invite you to my upcoming free webinar How to Succeed at the CFE: September 2020. This 1-hour webinar will cover the followin...
Practice Case#1 – SF CFE Day 3 Case
This practice CPA Common Final Exam (CFE) Day 3 case focuses on Financial Reporting (FR) and Assurance (A) competencies.
Download SF CFE Day 3 Practice Case (PDF)
Please sign up for the CFE Review ...
CFE Honour Roll Interview – Strategies from Jonathan
I chatted with Jonathan, an Honour Roll student from CPA CFE 2019. Below is the partial interview and transcript.
Codeguesser Boden page hereCodeguesser Boden page herePowered by...
CPA Canada CFE Review – CFE Sep 2020 Day 1 course now available
Dear Students,
I’m excited to announce the release of the CPA CFE Day 1 course: CFE Review: The Honour Roll Prep Program. This is a comprehensive prep and coaching course for CPA Canada Septembe...
CPA Canada cancels May 2020 CFE due to COVID-19 pandemic
Update: CPA Canada cancels the May 2021 CFE in Ontario and Quebec. The updated articled is here.
CPA Canada has announced that the May 2020 Common Final Exam (CFE) will be cancelled and all registere...
CFE Honour Roll Interview – Strategies from Matt
I chatted with Matt, an Honour Roll student from CPA CFE 2019. Below is the partial interview and transcript.
Codeguesser Boden page hereCodeguesser Boden page herePowered by Emb...
May and September 2025 CFE Day 1 Cases
You can choose from the following cases for Day 1 of the CFE:
For the May 2025 CFE, the following Day 1 cases:
Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. (NPF) v2
Viviana’s Trattoria Ltd. (VTL) v1
For the ...
CFE Honour Roll Interview – Strategies from Industry Candidate
I chatted with a candidate who passed CPA CFE 2019 with Honour Roll – and she has never worked in public practice. About 80% of all Honour Roll students come from the public practice. How did sh...
How To Get Depth in CPA Cases
When you start CPA studies, you learn concepts such as Required, Issue, Depth and Breadth. Becoming familiar with these terms and understanding the difference between a Required and an Issue is key to...
How To Write CPA Cases On Time
One of the most frequently asked questions from my CPA students is how to write cases on time. Most students go over the time limit by several minutes, even hours. This is especially true if you are i...
CPA CFE: Re-Mark Process, Appeal and Performance Analysis Review (PAR)
If you were unsuccessful at the CPA Common Final Examination (CFE), you may choose to re-mark (formerly appeal) the exam results, purchase a Performance Analysis Review (PAR), or do both.